StructureTec Group

Solutions for the Built Environment

nondestructive testing

StructureScan is your building's most reliable preventative or remedial maintenance tool.



StructureScan is a division of StructureTec which performs nondestructive evaluations of facilities using thermal imagery, ground penetrating radar and ultrasonic testing. StructureScan surveys are used to depict substrata conditions not visible with the naked eye and can be performed on exterior walls that may be experiencing energy loss.


Many deficiencies change the ability of the building envelope to store and conduct thermal energy, thus causing changes in the temperature of walls. Using a hand-held camera, 100% of the exterior walls are photographed. Areas with air leakage/thermal transfer will contrast from air tight areas due to an increase in temperature.


This nondestructive, detection process is useful in several different phases of a building project. It is highly effective with an evaluation to help determine needs for repair, restoration, or replacement. It can be used during or directly after the construction phase of a project to ensure contractor performance. It can also be utilized to perform an energy audit and calculate return on investment.


StructureScan is your building envelope’s best preventative or remedial maintenance tool. Properly utilized, it can improve energy efficiency and airtightness, while substantially lowering your overall maintenance expenditures.


Don't wait, contact us today!



infrared scanning and thermal imagery
roof and building envelope moisture survey


StructureTec Group is an engineering consultant and construction services firm specializing in

the waterproofing and restoration of building envelopes, roofs, pavement

and concrete structures.


Phone: 800-745-7832


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StructureTec Group